Witches. Really? Code Pink is now resorting to witchcraft to beef up the number of its supporters protesting Berkeley's controversial Marine Corps Recruiting Center. In February, the Marine Corps Recruiting Center was the site of fierce pro- and anti-war protests. It made national headlines when Berkeley's city council voted to send a letter to the recruiting station advising the Marines they were not welcome. Council members later moderated their position, saying they oppose the war in Iraq but support the troops. You want to read more of this BS out of Berkley go HERE.
The women's anti-war group has told ralliers to come equipped with spells and pointy hats Friday for "Witches, clowns and sirens day," the last of the group's weeklong homage to Mother's Day.
"Women are coming to cast spells and do rituals and to impart wisdom to figure out how we're going to end war," Zanne Sam Joi of Bay Area Code Pink told FOXNews.com.
The group's week of themed protests, which included days to galvanize grannies and bring-your-daughter-to-protest, appears to have done little to boost its flagging numbers.
A FOX News camera, which has a 24/7 live shot of the recruiting center's front door, recorded little action, and the gatherings have, until this point, been ill attended.
I knew Code Pink was full of Bitches but…
Vulture 6
Friday, May 09, 2008
Labels: Loonly Left
Get a Damn Clue
Some people should be above the law, or so thinks alleged comedienne Sandra Bernhardt
In a "news report" the supposed funny woman said she will fight the new security measures
“Comedienne Sandra Bernhardt, close friend of Madonna, has threatened to fight new security measures at airports imposed after a terrorist attack on planes flying from the UK to the US was averted. From yesterday (10AUG06), passengers flying from and to America have been banned from taking non-essential hand luggage onboard jets. But Bernhardt, who is scheduled to fly out of New York's JFK Airport today (11AUG06) is determined to break the rule. She tells the New York Daily News, "When I go to the airport and they try to take my MAC Plushglass away from me, it's going to be World War III!"”
OK, we have to admit we had to look up what a MAC Plushglass was, turns ot it is some sort of 17 dollar lip gloss. Yes, LIPGLOSS. She is willing to “start WWIII” (actually it would be WW V, but who would expect this talentless hag to know history?) over a cosmetic, which frankly, will not help her look better anyway, we mean, have you actually seen this woman? Is this person so egotistical to think that she is not above the law? If she does not want to follow the laws that every one who flies on a commercial flight must obey, then she should take her and that high horse she is on and charter a private jet to take her back to her beloved New York City, a location which we would like to remind her is the prime target of terrorists.
Miss Bernhardt should be especially watchful of Islamic Fascists, due to the fact that she is the embodiment of everything they hate, Jewish, Outspoken Female and gay. Before she goes and gets herself arrested (Which we suspect that what will really happen, her “WW III” will be little more than her using sarcasm and degrading the little people that have to take her crap), she should think about if this battle over a couple of ounces of lip-gloss is really one she wants to fight.
It seems that this "actor" is a PAID spokesperson for MAC Plushglass. Ms. Bernhardt was just trying to get some free ad time for the product she pushes. The more serious question is not that it is right or not for MAC to let her spout off on national security issues but the question needs to be asked:
"What the HELL was MAC thinking when they elected to have this
be the example of what a beauty product can do four you?"
Vulture 6
Friday, August 11, 2006
Labels: Loonly Left, Monster Ego, Skanks
Which is the Bigger Celebrity Train Wreck Waiting to Happen?
Which “Celebrity” is going to have the “career” ending public meltdown first?
Lindsey Lohan
Cindy Sheehan
Vulture 6
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Labels: Loonly Left, Skanks
Marine Sues Murtha
In what has to be a first, an active duty marine is suing a sitting member of congress for defamation of character. Murtha made comments about the incident of the floor, reading in to congressional record that the questionable deaths of 24 civilians were indicative of the difficulties and overpowering stress that U.S. troops are facing.
This did not sit well with Staff Sergeant Frank D. Wuterich, who is a member of that unit.
“Attorneys for Frank D. Wuterich, 26, argue in court papers that Murtha tarnished the Marine's reputation by telling news organizations in May that the Marine unit cracked after a roadside bomb killed one of its members and that the troops "killed innocent civilians in cold blood." Murtha also said repeatedly that the incident was covered up.”
Wuterich and the other members of his squad have not been charged and have not received any official investigative documentation about the Nov. 19 incident., but yet Murth saw fit to try and convict them and make that conviction part of the official record of the congress of the United States.
I’m glad one Jar-head is fighting back against this ex-marine.
Vulture 6
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Labels: Liberal Surrender, Loonly Left, Military: General
Cindy Sheehan Starving to Death
Hat tip to Trail Mix at Disgruntled Truck Driver! He is a Squid with an opinion and he points out that Ms. Sheehan is wasting away from her hunger strike for peace. He posts a photo of her in which she looks dangerously thin, almost like a more mature (age wise, not mentally) Paris Hilton. Check out his post and see the horrible effects of starvation on the human body.
Vulture 6
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Labels: Loonly Left, Skanks
If I was president, this wouldn't have happened
"If I was president, this wouldn't have happened," said Kerry during a noon stop at Honest John's bar and grill in Detroit's Cass Corridor.
No, really, he said it. Kerry thinks that the current Israel Hezbola war would not have happened.
Vulture 6
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Labels: Loonly Left, Loosers, STFU
Has He Lost It?
Has Representative Murtha, the un-indicted co-conspirator in the ABSCAM scandal, lost his sanity? Has his new “power” in the American Communist Party Liberal Party Democrat Party His position of Pit Bull of the Hate America Crowd gone to his head and is that why he is saying stupid things like:
American presence in Iraq is more dangerous to world peace than nuclear threats from North Korea or Iran.
America is more dangerous than North Korea or Iran. Iran, you know, the friendly country that is pulling all stops to build a nuclear weapon. Iran the Peaceful nation led by the man who stated that Israel WILL BE wiped off the face of the map. They are more dangerous than America. OK.
He also offers us these tidbits:
...the war cannot be won…We do not want permanent bases in Iraq, We want as many Americans out of there as possible…U.S. efforts to win over Iraqis were tarnished when it was revealed that U.S. military personnel had abused and humiliated people held at Abu Ghraib, a prison outside Baghdad.
Excuse me? So some fat chick makes fun of someone and that is worse that them cutting people heads off? Do Murtha and the rest of the left know how absolutely stupid they sound in mitigating REAL torture just so they can score political points?
If we cut and run, Iraq will become a haven for terrorists. The whole country will become worse than Afghanistan was under the Taliban. Once we do cut and run, does Mr. Murtha think they will be content with that? Does anyone really naively believe that the Islamic fascists will stop there?
The left loves to compare Iraq to Viet Nam, in there world view all wars are Viet Nam, so if we run away it Iraq will, like Viet Nam, will become an insignificant little country over there and nothing to worry about. However, Ira is not Viet Nam, it is a totally different situation. The terrorists are not defending their country. They chose to travel to Iraq to fight America, to Kill Americans. They will not stop with Iraq. They are fighting a holy war against anyone who is not Muslim. They will continue to attack us, they will continue to plan and kill people guilty of nothing but going about their lives.
The Terrorists world view is that America is weak, therefore they do not respect us. If we run away it will serve one purpose, to embolden them to kill as many more of us as possible.
Perhaps he has not lost his sanity however, we believe Mr. Murtha’s Hate of America and lust for power has caused him to become a bit unhinged in his views.
Vulture 6
Monday, June 26, 2006
Labels: Loonly Left
With 16,912 Deaths JUST Last Year, The US Needs to Pull Out Now!!!
This is the third Annual Official Vultures Row call for the US to pull out NOW.
US Deaths are at a record high. Never before has the US had this many senseless murders because of a president’s failed policies.
16,912 people died JUST LAST YEAR ALONE, and it is high time we cut and run. We are sustaining losses that are affecting virtually every community, and actually affecting every state in the nation. Me more the losses, but yet we keep sending these brave soles into this meat grinder. Our involvement in this nation, out occupation of land is only resulting in deaths. We need to abandon this folly; we can not continue to occupy that horrible place. For Christ’s sake look at the number again
16,912 people
Some of which were even minorities. What the hell are we doing just letting these folks die? We need to leave before more go. Over 50,000 have died in the last three years, for what? So we can sit on the land and make our government richer? I don’t care what the reason is;
16,912 deaths in one year is unacceptable. The United States needs to leave America NOW!
Vulture 6
Monday, June 12, 2006
Labels: Loonly Left, Political Frustration