The beginning of the end of the state of Israel was completed today as the pull out of the Gaza Strip was conclude.
After the settlements are completely evacuated and demolished, Israel is to turn Gaza over to Palestinian control for the first time.
Does this in of its self lead to the destruction of Israel? No. Prime Minister Arial Sharon has a plan and believes that this plan will lead to peace in the region.
"In order to move to the road map, terrorism must stop _ terrorism, violence, incitement _ terror organizations must be dismantled, their weapons confiscated, serious reforms carried out"
It is clear that he thinks that pulling out from Gaza will be the first step in the Peace Process. However, we are getting statements like this from the other side:
”The implementation of the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip marks “the beginning of the end for Israel” - Hamas political bureau chief, Khaled Mashaal.
And this gem:
”We, however, see the withdrawal as first step for full liberation and achieving all of our legitimate rights. Today Gaza and tomorrow the West Bank and later every inch of the land.”
And he is not alone
”We, however, see the withdrawal as first step for full liberation and achieving all of our legitimate rights. Today Gaza and tomorrow the West Bank and later every inch of the land. We will continue the struggle until we have reclaimed all the land of Palestine.” – Mohammed Khatif, a Gaza shop owner.
”The armed struggle is the only strategy that Hamas possesses. As long as Palestinian lands remain under occupation, Hamas won't lay down its weapons” – Ismail Haniya, “Resistance” Leader in Lebanon
It is sad that for the first time in almost 40 years, Israel is making concessions, but the terrorists see the concessions that were made in a hope of real peace are a vindication for their tactics of blowing up kids in restaurants.
A lesson is here, one learned time and again through history; you can not negotiate with terrorists and expect a lasting peace. This just may be the beginning of the end of the state of Israel.