Vultures Row: Way To Go Astros!

Way To Go Astros!


Astros –
GET OFF THEM ALREADY! O.K. I know that they are two games down to St. Louis, and I know that they have never made it this far into the play offs but give them a break. It’s a best of 7 series. They can still do it and Roger is going to be playing soon. I think they still have a chance, but if they don’t make it I don’t care. It was one hell of a season. Thanks to my brother I got to see them play up close at Nolen Ryan Stadium (I can’t call it Minute Maid) with my dad for fathers day. It was a great game, and it was fun to watch. Each year when my kids visit we try to take them to a game. The Astros play good ball and you rarely hear of someone from the team getting into trouble with drugs, Camanetti aside. So I say to all the players, their wives and families, you ALL did a great job this year and I am proud of you.


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